Register for CPD

Please enter your PIN and last name carefully, as it will not be possible to register unless it matches our records.
When do you need to complete your CPD requirements by?
By registering you agree to receive important notices. Such notices may relate to matters including, but not limited to, service changes, changes to these Terms and Conditions, and changes to your Account.

Nursing & Midwifery Council
of Ghana

The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana in collaboration with the WCEA (partner of the International Council of Nurses) is providing all members with access to a Mobile App & Online CPD & training platform.

Starting June 2024, WCEA, in partnership with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana, a Mandatory Diaspora CPD Subscription Plan will be required for Nurses and Midwives overseas who want to renew their practising license in Ghana.

In addition to paying your license fees to N&MC, all Diaspora Nurses and Midwives will require an active WCEA subscription and earn 20 CPD Points for RN/RM and 15 CPD Points for Nurse Assistants via the WCEA Platform to renew their license.

Please complete your registration now so we can send you the instructions to download the App and your username and password.

Next Steps

You will receive instructions on how to access both the online Learning Management System and the Mobile application.